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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Blog Lives On

This is as big as a Led Zeppelin reunion, or at the very least, my high school band getting back together for coffee.  Ok, maybe it isn't as big as either one of those things, but the point is that the blog is back.

I stopped writing for a number of reasons, but perhaps the biggest reason was a lack of access to Astros games.  If they aren't playing the Rangers, I can't see them.  There is immediate hope on the horizon that I may in fact get to watch the team this year on my MLB.TV subscription.

The second reason I stopped writing was because of graduate school.  I had to write so many research papers that it just sucked every amount of air from the writing balloon.  Well, that is over now as well.

In order to reintroduce this blog to my very few interested parties, I decided to write this post.  This is a fan opinion blog and nothing else.  It is not intended to be a news source.  I am not chasing down any leads.  I am merely reacting to things as I see them.

I have watched baseball for my entire life and have some coaching background.  I also possess an analytics lean, which coincidentally is the name of the dance move made famous by Bill James himself.  The analytics lean means that many of my posts may be stats heavy.

If you would like to read a little more about where my Astros love comes from, read this. 

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